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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Red Hair vs. Red Budgie-smugglers?

Could this possibly be the most boring pre-election phase since ... ever? Gillard and Abbott aren't slinging thinly veiled insults at each other, their campaign ads are only slightly more boring than watching hair grow, and no protestors are throwing eggs!

Call this an election?!!!

What really sh*ts me though, is the constant reference to Julia's choice to not have children, choosing instead to dedicate herself to her career. I have two children myself, and I say ... "Good choice!" Stay thin and hot, Julia. You'll have more time to work on your personality.

And the hairy life-saver dude? Well, Abbott ... he's just a hairy Gollum, isn't he? I'm expecting one of his upcoming ad campaigns to go something like, "We'll stop the boats, preciouss." I'm assuming that, in order to stop the boats, he'll just hook those massive ears up to a radar tower.

Okay, so i've slandered 'em both a bit, and haven't mentioned The Greens, The Nationals, The Australian Sex Party, The Marijuana Party (do they still exist?), and the plethora of other political parties out there. That's probably because they're not worth mentioning. As per usual. When are these other parties actually going to offer something worthwhile? I'd give my vote to The Greens, but then my vote just ends up sliding to Labor or Liberal anyway, so what's the point? The Australian Sex Party? Austen Tayshus as representative? C'mooonnn! Only one thing to say to that ... ED2PS9FA2UUX ! (stupid claim codes)

I honestly think that Abbott has his work cut out for him, though. Without having to do anything, Gillard has the 'First Female Prime Minister' medal shining in her favour. Don't get me wrong, I think it's long overdue, but i'm a little worried that she'll get elected purely on that fact alone, regardless of her policies. When it comes down to it, I don't care if you're male, female or Lady Gaga - if your policies make sense, and you can get the job done, you have my vote.

So, who's gonna take the lodge? The hot back-stabbing redhead, or the hairy Gollum in the budgie-smugglers? Can't wait to find out!

Think i'll go watch my hair grow.

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