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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Our right to know what we don't ...

Okay, so i'm a bit of a conspiracy theory nut. I hate the term conspiracy theory, though; I much prefer the term 'alternate point of view'. Just because I don't believe what the media tells us, doesn't mean it's a conspiracy. It just means I don't take everything at face value. I'm a skeptic, and I enjoy playing the devil's advocate. This is part of my motivation to become a journalist. I feel that people have a right to the truth, whether they like how it tastes or not, and journalists have an obligation to be honest, and not just pander to popular opinion.

So i'd like to put a few things out there, because I have this motto - one i've taught my children from an early age. Question everything.

U.F.O.'s - If what witnesses have seen (I mean reliable witnesses such as highly ranked military officers and official government agents) are man-made, as the governments and their documentation would have us believe, then whatever powers these 'craft' would be highly beneficial to humanity, considering the speed these craft achieve, and the rate we're burning up fossil fuels. If they're not man-made, humanity should be made aware of this. Apparently the C.I.A. stopped making official inquiries into U.F.O. sightings after they closed Project Bluebook in the 70's. This is not the case, according to several foreign government sources. Why would the C.I.A. lie about this?

9/11 - Ahh, us 'alternative viewpoint' nuts love this one. But i'll just ask the one question ... Apparently a plane crashed into the Pentagon the same day. All footage from surrounding security cameras in nearby buildings that had a clear view of the crash were confiscated by the C.I.A. and still have not been released. If it was a plane crash - as the C.I.A. and every other government source claims - why wouldn't they release that footage? (Not to mention the fact that the debris left behind was NOT consistent with a plane crash)

Education - So, the state of public schools is pretty poor. But the government gets what the government wants. So, logic would dictate that the government WANTS a poorly educated populace. This makes complete sense, when you consider that educated people form opinions, gather in groups, and question authority.

I could go on and on, and form thousands of arguments for and against. But I won't.

Take a look at the film Zeitgeist. If you look at my video bar (to the left), you'll see a link to YouTube where you can find this film, broken into 3 parts, although i'd recommend you locate the film in its entirety (I wouldn't recommend you get BitTorrent and download the film for free - that would be bad). It covers the Christianity myth, 9/11, and Central Banking. I assure you, it will make you question everything you've ever thought you knew.

Question everything.

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