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Saturday, August 28, 2010

My Stills

Okay, so i've been under the scholastic pump lately, so all my written work is focused there at the mo, but i've got some great photos that I took whilst out on a walk with the boy.



Friday, August 27, 2010

NatashaJacqueline: Deeelightful

NatashaJacqueline: Deeelightful: "I thought I would post some of my band photography work. These are a few of my favourite pictures because of the energy captured, the bright..."

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

10 Things I Hate ...

Like Peter Griffin said ... "You know what really grinds my gears?"

1) Glee. You know, that awful musical show on tv? If you've never seen it, imagine High School Musical, but instead of original music, they perform (or "kill", as the case may be) covers. And they are all about token minorities. They have the token gay character, the token young pregnant character, the token black character, the token emo character, the token fatty, the token hottie, the token jock, and the token 'guy in a wheel-chair' character. Bloody awful.

2) P!nk. This creature has to be the worst role-model for human beings, let alone for women. She has absolutely no compunction about promoting getting into fights, calling people a tool, spending her rent money on alcohol, and feeling herself up like some nasty stripper. But 'so what'? She's rich, what does she care.

3) Old people. They're smelly.

4) Young people. They're young.

5) Children. Especially mine.

6) Static electric shocks. I really, really, really, REALLY hate static shocks.

7) Shopping trolleys. Not only do they never go in the direction you want them to go, they give you static shocks.

8) Bad spelling. It's amazing how many people pretend they're intelligent, and then you see their handwriting, and they have trouble spelling the simplest of words. And i'm talking about adults here. I have one word for those people ... READ A BOOK, YOU ILLITERATE MORON!

9) News reports about soldiers dieing in a war. Can you imagine that? A soldier going to war and dieing? Shocking, I know, but apparently it happens fairly regularly.

10) People who winge and complain about everything. STOP IT! That's MY job!

I'd love to see people comment and write their top 10 most hated things.

Have a nice day!

Friday, August 13, 2010

Anti-Social Networking

Everyone's on Facebook.

Seriously. The majority of everyone i've ever known is on one social networking site or another. It's almost as if our whole society can only socialise if they're in front of a keyboard.

So, i'm starting to wonder, is social networking creating an anti-social society?

Example: My daughter's on Facebook. It's not uncommon that she will send me a message or two. But from upstairs? Or in the same room? Surely it would've taken less effort to just open her mouth and speak.

Okay, so it's a bit of fun. I've been guilty of it once or twice. Commenting on someone's status when they're in the same room. But the problem goes beyond that.

The average user has 130 friends on Facebook (according to Facebook Statistics). I'd be curious to know how many of those 130 friends they speak to on a regular basis, and how many of them do they actually socialise with in the real world. Of the 87 friends I have on Facebook, I speak regularly to about 6 or 7 of them. Everyone I speak to have at least twice that many friends on Facebook.

Brings a whole new meaning to the term "Status Update". Do people honestly think that the more 'friends' they have, the more their popularity status rises?

My recommendation: go out and actually meet some real people. Make real friends. And socialise with them using your voice. You'll find it much more satisfying.

Excuse me while I share this post to Facebook.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Weed vs Booze

Okay, so i've been guilty of having a drink every now and then, and guilty of having a smoke every now and then. But today, I want to look at the pros and cons, and make an argument for the minority (just for the sake of argument, of course).

I've never been impressed by a drunk person, but i've had several enlightening conversations with a stoned person.

Ever heard a news report about a driver who got really stoned and drove his car at high speed and crashed into another car, killing all parties?

I've never seen anyone vomit from too much weed.

Too much weed can screw up your life ... oh, wait ... so can too much booze.

Cost? Weed wins that argument ('per cone' against 'per glass').

Drinking is socially acceptable (score '1' for alcohol!).

Marijuana is less toxic, and less addictive.

Long term marijuana use is far less damaging than long-term alcohol use.

Alcohol has been directly linked to most cases of sexual and domestic abuse.

So why is alcohol legal and marijuana is not? They're both mind-altering substances. And yet, whole buildings are dedicated to (and constantly occupied by) alcohol drinkers. And think of the money the government could accrue by making marijuana legal and taxing it (like they do with alcohol and cigarettes). Amsterdam seems to have the right idea. Has their society been damaged by their legalisation of marijuana? It's certainly improved their economy, especially when one considers the tourism dollar it's attracted. They haven't devolved into neanderthals by any means.

So, what do you think? Make it legal to smoke weed? Or make it illegal to drink alcohol?

Time to get rid of the double standard.